Marysville Physical Therapy
Local therapist owned since 1992
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These are exercises commonly prescribed in our office. They should be used for reference only. Only perform exercises as prescribed by your physical therapist. These exercises are not a substitute for professional advice.
Videos of Common Exercises //
Lower Body //
Wall Scrapers (AKA Rose Wall Slides)
Clam Shells
Partial Sit Ups
Prone Press Up
Double Knees to Chest
Supine Hip Flexor Stretch
Figure 4 Stretch
Seated Hamstring Stretch
Crossover Stretch
Straight Leg Raise
Heel Lift
Seated Dorsiflexion Stretch
Standing Gastroc/Calf Stretch
Weight bearing Dorsiflexion Stretch
Ankle Band Exercises
Towel Scrunch
Standing Back Bends
Sciatic Nerve Glides (AKA Flossing)
Back Flexion/Rotation
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Quad Set
Quad Stretch
Upper Body //
Shoulder Retraction
Neck Rotation Stretch
Neck Extension Stretch
Neck Flexion
Prone Horizontal Abudction
Bent Over Rows
Sidelying External Rotation
Bent Over Shoulder Extension
Pushup Progression
Bicep Curl
Tricep Kickbacks
Wrist Extensor Stretch
Elbow Extension Stretch
Elbow Flexion Stretch